July 23, 2006 >>>

Out with the old, in with the new


Ah, ye old After the Show section: we hardly use ye! Well, until now.

As the brains of this operation, I've decided to switch this section of our site over to Blogger. You might be saying to yourself, "Why on earth would you do that, Neil?" The answer is pure laziness. See, I used to be the only one who could post stuff. So if Lynn or Danni wanted to put something up, they'd have to send it to me and I'd post it for them. Now all three of us can post, cutting out the middleman and hopefully meaning we can update this section more frequently. I've reposted our most recent entries, but if you've got a hankerin' to see some of our older posts, you can check them out here.

Building a better blog for you, Borderline listeners: one of the many things I've been hard at work on during our short hiatus. Enjoy!

posted by on July 23, 2006 at 12:57 PM

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